The “Strongest” Cultures May Actually Be The Weakest

REI, the beloved co-op known for its eco-friendly ethos and outdoor enthusiast culture, is facing a pivotal moment. The company has lost money for two consecutive years, with a staggering $311 million in the red in 2023 alone. As layoffs continue and management...

The Great Pay Reset: Wages Are Being Cut in Half

Bosses Are Finding Ways to Pay Workers Less There’s a major shift happening in the job market, and it’s turning everything we thought we knew about wages upside down. For years, we’ve believed that wages only go one way—up. That belief has been shattered....

No, I Will Not “Give You A Call”

I have a new workplace pet peeve. It’s when people send me a note asking me to give them a call. Call me petty, but hear me out. That is a way of passing off accountability. Now, their “talk to Jessica” item is off their to do list and I’ve just added “call that...