My New Year’s resolution is to raise the stakes 

For the past year, I’ve been wrestling with a nagging feeling that the stakes in my life aren’t high enough. It’s not that things are bad. They’re not. In many ways, life and work are going well. But there’s a part of me that feels like I’m not risking enough or striving for something truly bold—something that demands sacrifice and commitment.  This realization has led to my New Year’s resolution: to raise the stakes. Not just in my work, but in my life. Because when the stakes are high, you’re all in. You care deeply. You push harder. You grow.  I’ve taken stock of where my stakes are pretty high: with my daughter, in my volunteer work at UC Davis in the No One Dies Alone program, in my...

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Culture Partners


Et tu, Patagonia? 

Change is inevitable, but resilience is a choice. Patagonia, once celebrated for seamlessly blending work, play, and purpose, now faces an identity...

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Culture Partners

A Culture for All Generations

Disrupting the way we think about generations to attract, engage, and retain all employees

There’s a real benefit in dismantling the perceptions behind Gen Z or X, or whatever the next trendy label is! Citing extensive academic research from her book, Unfairly Labeled, Jessica provides a refreshingly enlightening and data-driven perspective on how multi-generational organizations can strip away stereotypes and and biases that hinder performance and prevent progress toward a common purpose.

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