The Visibility Obsession: Why It’s Misguided and What CEOs Should Focus On Instead 

Let’s talk about a common complaint I hear across companies: “You’re not visible enough.” Someone can be a top performer, hitting all their goals, but somehow, if they’re not front and center with leadership, it feels like they’re not making the mark. Why is there this obsession with visibility? It’s a phenomenon that has been magnified by remote work, where being on Slack, speaking up in meetings, and generally being “seen” is often misinterpreted as a measure of performance.  Here’s the truth: visibility doesn’t equal results.  I’ve been on the receiving end of this feedback before. “We just don’t see you enough,” or, “It feels like you’re not as involved.” And every time, my first...

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Culture Partners


Change Management is Changing 

Change management continues to perplex leaders despite years and years of frameworks and models being thrown at it. It’s time for an upgrade. ...

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Culture Partners

A Culture for All Generations

Disrupting the way we think about generations to attract, engage, and retain all employees

There’s a real benefit in dismantling the perceptions behind Gen Z or X, or whatever the next trendy label is! Citing extensive academic research from her book, Unfairly Labeled, Jessica provides a refreshingly enlightening and data-driven perspective on how multi-generational organizations can strip away stereotypes and and biases that hinder performance and prevent progress toward a common purpose.

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