The “Outsider” Strategy: Amazon’s Delivery Dilemma and the Shifting Tides of Public Perception 

Raise your hand if you’ve worked for a company that insisted on referring to employees as “partners” or “team members.” I’m looking at you, Starbucks. When I’m doing keynotes, about 15% of the time, I’m instructed not to say “employees.” This is a management choice to use inclusive language so people on the team feel more valued and integral to the organization’s success. This linguistic shift is part of a broader strategy to create a more unified, engaged, and motivated workforce, where everyone feels they have a stake in the company’s journey and outcomes.  Contrast that with Amazon’s recent statement about the Teamsters strike across seven distribution centers: “What you see here are...

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Culture Partners


Change Management is Changing 

Change management continues to perplex leaders despite years and years of frameworks and models being thrown at it. It’s time for an upgrade. ...

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Culture Partners

A Culture for All Generations

Disrupting the way we think about generations to attract, engage, and retain all employees

There’s a real benefit in dismantling the perceptions behind Gen Z or X, or whatever the next trendy label is! Citing extensive academic research from her book, Unfairly Labeled, Jessica provides a refreshingly enlightening and data-driven perspective on how multi-generational organizations can strip away stereotypes and and biases that hinder performance and prevent progress toward a common purpose.

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