Resenteeism is the new black

Resenteeism is the latest workplace term our media has latched onto to decode the mystery of the modern workplace. Funnily enough it was invented by a tech company’s marketing department. It describes the resentment of the modern worker who hates their job but doesn’t leave for fear or out of necessity. It is the cousin of quiet quitting.   First, you may know I’m an etymology nerd so let’s start with the origin of the world resentment. Re – comes from the word again, and Sentir – comes from the word feel. So resentment is to “refeel.” We are feeling again something that we’ve felt before and it’s making us mad. That feeling is anger due to the shift back from employee-first cultures to a...

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Culture Partners


AI Will Be Dead Within 2 Years

You read that right. “AI” is inching closer and closer to kicking the bucket. I don’t mean artificial intelligence is going away. I mean the term...

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Culture Partners

A Culture for All Generations

Disrupting the way we think about generations to attract, engage, and retain all employees

There’s a real benefit in dismantling the perceptions behind Gen Z or X, or whatever the next trendy label is! Citing extensive academic research from her book, Unfairly Labeled, Jessica provides a refreshingly enlightening and data-driven perspective on how multi-generational organizations can strip away stereotypes and and biases that hinder performance and prevent progress toward a common purpose.

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