by Dr. Jessica Kriegel | Apr 1, 2024
Why is what I do so important? The World Happiness Report just came out and said that the number one driver of people’s happiness is the social connections that they have, the strength of the social support and bonds that they have, and where do we have most of...
by Dr. Jessica Kriegel | Mar 25, 2024
I want to read a quote from Regina Lawless who was the head of diversity and inclusion at Instagram. She says, “It’s the leaders and every employee that creates the culture of inclusion.” That’s absolutely true. We cannot treat diversity,...
by Dr. Jessica Kriegel | Mar 18, 2024
Believe it or not, companies with better culture make less emotional compensation decisions. When you have a weak culture and you’re desperate to attract and retain talent, you only have one tool in your toolkit, and that is compensation. You pay people more or...
by Dr. Jessica Kriegel | Mar 11, 2024
Economists are perplexed at the bad vibes economy. What the data says about how we’re doing is not aligned with what public sentiment is right now, and people are trying to figure out why. Well, the answer is it’s a culture thing. Even though wages have...
by Dr. Jessica Kriegel | Feb 26, 2024
Here is one very simple tool that you can use to go from being a B player to an A player at work. When you’re going to miss a deadline, tell people that you’re going to miss that deadline. So often you see employees miss deadlines and they’re silent...
by Dr. Jessica Kriegel | Feb 19, 2024
Sometimes the best thing you can do for your culture is let someone go. A players love working with A players and they really don’t love working with C and D players. So if you have a team of A players and you’re trying to coach along a C or D player...