Be The Lion

Be The Lion

Be the work lion. And I’m talking about your work spirit animal. There’s lots of different working styles. And my style is the lion style, which I think is the best style. The lions stalk their prey. They have a target in mind. They come up with a plan....
Be The Lion

Why Doctors and Pharmacists Are in Revolt Part-3

This is part three in a three part series, looking at a really critical article in the New York Timesfrom Monday, December 4th about the evolution of workplace culture in the healthcare industry, particularly when it comes to doctors and pharmacists. You can check out...
Be The Lion

Why Doctors and Pharmacists Are in Revolt Part-2

This is part two in a deep dive in an article from The New York Times on Monday, December 4th that was about pharmacists and doctors and how they are now unionizing for the first time because of negative workplace culture experiences. Now, the article doesn’t...
Be The Lion

Why Doctors and Pharmacists Are in Revolt Part-1

On Monday of this week, the New York Times published an article called Why Doctors and Pharmacists Are In Revolt. I want to do a three-part series on this article alone because there is so much rich information here that literally every worker and leader in America...
Be The Lion

Costco Unionized

I’ve been talking about how unionization is increasing for a while now, and some organizations have figured out how to handle it. Costco just hit a home run in their comms for the first time in decades. One of their stores in Virginia unionized, and here was...
Be The Lion

Decline of Return to Office

Return to office is dead. Thank goodness the wicked witch is dead. The decline in working from home has plateaued in 2023, says a Stanford economist. So what does that mean? It means we’ve reached stable levels in the percentage of workers who are going into the...